Thursday 28 July 2011

PPR 'Parasites'

What happened?

City Hall really need to buck up it's enforcement team against freeloaders staying at PPR homes.
The freeloaders can be called parasites as they are stealing others chance to stay at PPR homes.
They did not pay rentals.
They did not pay the water bills.
All they want is free of charge.
They tend to take advantage of the lack of city hall enforcement to selfishly occupy houses meant for the poor and did not even pay their dues and meagre rentals for their low cost housing.
Beside owning flashy cars, these so called low cost flat revealed the presence of air-conditioners, Astro and large flat screen lcd / lcd tv's.
If they can pay monthly installment fir the car amounting nearly RM 1000 per month, why they cant pay the rental ???
The authority should doing a routine check with these PPR occupants whether they are still qualify to stay in PPR or should give a chance to others.
The occupants must be strictly selected and regular checks must be carried out so that those who have improve their economic situation should vacate and make room for the long queue of those in need of subsidised housing.
The City Hall should really look into This!!!!!

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