Tuesday, 16 August 2011


Aku terbaca artikel dalam The Sun hari ni...
Budak 11 tahun di Jerman call polis mengadu dia kena kerah buat buat kerja rumah mas cuti sekolah.  Haii...sekarang anak-anak dah terlebih educated..
Suruh tolong buat kerja rumah pun sampai call polis.
Ape cerita ni...... 
Jadi hati-hati lah kalau nak suruh anak anda buat kerja rumah.
Bacalah petikan berita tersebut di bawah ni........

"An 11 year old German boy called police to complainthat his mother keeps making him do chores during his summer school holiday. "hello, my mother is putting me into forced labour", began that boy during a 5 minute call to the emergency number 110. Police released an edited transcript of the call before closing the case. "What do you have to do?" the police officer answering the call asked the boy. "I have to clean up the terrace, I've got to work the whole day,"said the boy.

Maybe this is the boy  ?????????

1 comment:

  1. ahaha... munkin jg that's the boy ...
    terlalu gumuks smpi x larat n wat keje :D

